We found ourselves back in Balsall Heath, this time, commissioned by the National Trust to design and set up a Blossom Branch, a space to drop-in and find out more about the project and to get together to share their ideas and learn about nature.
We were tasked with transforming a unit in the iSE into a multifunctional gathering space for dropping in, workshops and events. Working with the Birch Boys we installed panels with alcoves where we could incorporate small windows of nature for visitors to explore and a tree built into the space, embossed with Balsall Heath’s nature themed road names.
The shop window, facing out onto Ladywood Road was painted by Ben Jones to add some final touches to the facade.
The visual design elements made use of natural texture and organic materials to provide an interactive multi-sensory gathering space for workshops and events and allowed the team and users of the Blossom Branch to decorate further with seasonal displays and local information.
The space has been home to a regular series of craft and nature themed activities, including herbal tea making, mosaic workshops and plenty more.
To find out more about the space and about the blossom project here.