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We had a great day supporting organisations and events on Windrush 75, including our own ‘Leaning into the Wind’ Exhibition at The Library of Birmingham until 25th August, and a special event at Handsworth Library.
Through photography, interviews, conversations, portraits, we’ll be meeting at places like Soho House, Library of Birmingham & Moseley Road Baths over the next couple of months looking at our relationships to and stories of Windrush. We’re just putting together plans for workshops in schools and an event with our Goodfriend and Godfather of British Black Photography, Vanley Burke, details soon!
Thanks Soheila Javaheri for photography at the Flag event, Lord Mayors’s event, Library of Birmingham and Handsworth Library, and to all our Windrush 75 partners and funders, including People’s Heritage Co-operative and Shades of Black.
Flags raised ready for Veterans on Windrush day 75, photo Soheila Javaheri
Mavis shows her portrait on Windrush day 75 visiting our gallery, photo Soheila Javaheri
Opening of ‘Leaning into the Wind’, Windrush Day 2023, photo thanks Soheila Javaheri